Source code for PySimpleAutomata.AFW

Module to manage AFW (Alternating Finite automaton on Words).

Formally a AFW (Alternating Finite automaton on Words) is a tuple
:math:`(Σ, S, s0, ρ, F )`, where:

 • Σ is a finite nonempty alphabet;
 • S is a finite nonempty set of states;
 • :math:`s0 ∈ S` is the initial state (notice that, as in dfas,
   we have a unique initial state);
 • F ⊆ S is the set of accepting states;
 • :math:`ρ : S × Σ → B+(S)` is a transition function.
   :math:`B+(X)` be the set of positive Boolean formulas
   over a given set X
   ex. of :math:`ρ: ρ(s, a) = (s1 ∧ s2) ∨ (s3 ∧ s4)`

In this module a AFW is defined as follows

 AFW = dict() with the following keys-values:

 • alphabet         => set()
 • states           => set()
 • initial_state    => 'state_0'
 • accepting_states => set()
 • transitions      => dict(), where
        **key** (state ∈ states, action ∈ alphabet)

        **value** [string representing a PYTHON boolean expression
                   over states; where we also allow the formulas
                   *True* and *False*]

from PySimpleAutomata import NFA
import itertools
import re
from copy import deepcopy

def __recursive_acceptance(afw, state, remaining_word):
    """ Recursive call for word acceptance.

        :param dict afw: input AFW;
        :param str state: current state;
        :param list remaining_word: list containing the remaining
        :return: *(bool)*, True if the word is accepted, false
    # the word is accepted only if all the final states are
    # accepting states
    if len(remaining_word) == 0:
        if state in afw['accepting_states']:
            return True
            return False

    action = remaining_word[0]
    if (state, action) not in afw['transitions']:
        return False

    if afw['transitions'][state, action] == 'True':
        return True
    elif afw['transitions'][state, action] == 'False':
        return False

    transition = (state, action)
    # extract from the boolean formula of the transition the
    # states involved in it
    involved_states = list(
            re.findall(r"[\w']+", afw['transitions'][transition])
        ).difference({'and', 'or', 'True', 'False'})
    possible_assignments = set(
        itertools.product([True, False], repeat=len(involved_states)))
    # For all possible assignment of the the transition (a
    # boolean formula over the states)
    for assignment in possible_assignments:
        mapping = dict(zip(involved_states, assignment))
        # If the assignment evaluation is positive
        if eval(afw['transitions'][transition], mapping):
            ok = True
            mapping.pop('__builtins__')  # removes useless entry
            # added by the function eval()

            # Check if the word is accepted in ALL the states
            # mapped to True by the assignment
            for mapped_state in mapping:
                if mapping[mapped_state] == False:
                if not __recursive_acceptance(afw,
                    # if one positive state of the assignment
                    # doesn't accepts the word,the whole
                    # assignment is discarded
                    ok = False
            if ok:
                # If at least one assignment accepts the word,
                # the word is accepted by the afw
                return True
    return False

[docs]def afw_word_acceptance(afw: dict, word: list) -> bool: """ Checks if a **word** is accepted by input AFW, returning True/False. The word w is accepted by a AFW if exists at least an accepting run on w. A run for AFWs is a tree and an alternating automaton can have multiple runs on a given input. A run is accepting if all the leaf nodes are accepting states. :param dict afw: input AFW; :param list word: list of symbols ∈ afw['alphabet']. :return: *(bool)*, True if the word is accepted, False otherwise. """ return __recursive_acceptance(afw, afw['initial_state'], word)
# Side effect on input afw
[docs]def afw_completion(afw): """ Side effect on input! Complete the afw adding not present transitions and marking them as False. :param dict afw: input AFW. """ for state in afw['states']: for a in afw['alphabet']: if (state, a) not in afw['transitions']: afw['transitions'][state, a] = 'False' return afw
[docs]def nfa_to_afw_conversion(nfa: dict) -> dict: """ Returns a AFW reading the same language of input NFA. Let :math:`A = (Σ,S,S^0, ρ,F)` be an nfa. Then we define the afw AA such that :math:`L(AA) = L(A)` as follows :math:`AA = (Σ, S ∪ {s_0}, s_0 , ρ_A , F )` where :math:`s_0` is a new state and :math:`ρ_A` is defined as follows: • :math:`ρ_A(s, a)= ⋁_{(s,a,s')∈ρ}s'`, for all :math:`a ∈ Σ` and :math:`s ∈ S` • :math:`ρ_A(s^0, a)= ⋁_{s∈S^0,(s,a,s')∈ρ}s'`, for all :math:`a ∈ Σ` We take an empty disjunction in the definition of AA to be equivalent to false. Essentially, the transitions of A are viewed as disjunctions in AA . A special treatment is needed for the initial state, since we allow a set of initial states in nondeterministic automata, but only a single initial state in alternating automata. :param dict nfa: input NFA. :return: *(dict)* representing a AFW. """ afw = { 'alphabet': nfa['alphabet'].copy(), 'states': nfa['states'].copy(), 'initial_state': 'root', 'accepting_states': nfa['accepting_states'].copy(), 'transitions': dict() } # Make sure "root" node doesn't already exists, in case rename it i = 0 while afw['initial_state'] in nfa['states']: afw['initial_state'] = 'root' + str(i) i += 1 afw['states'].add(afw['initial_state']) for (state, action) in nfa['transitions']: boolean_formula = str() for destination in nfa['transitions'][state, action]: boolean_formula += destination + ' or ' # strip last ' or ' from the formula string boolean_formula = boolean_formula[0:-4] afw['transitions'][state, action] = boolean_formula if state in nfa['initial_states']: afw['transitions'][afw['initial_state'], action] = boolean_formula return afw
[docs]def afw_to_nfa_conversion(afw: dict) -> dict: """ Returns a NFA reading the same language of input AFW. Let :math:`A = (Σ, S, s^0 , ρ, F )` be an afw. Then we define the nfa :math:`A_N` such that :math:`L(A_N) = L(A)` as follows :math:`AN = (Σ, S_N , S^0_N , ρ_N , F_N )` where: • :math:`S_N = 2^S` • :math:`S^0_N= \{\{s^0 \}\}` • :math:`F_N=2^F` • :math:`(Q,a,Q') ∈ ρ_N` iff :math:`Q'` satisfies :math:`⋀_{ s∈Q} ρ(s, a)` We take an empty conjunction in the definition of :math:`ρ_N` to be equivalent to true; thus, :math:`(∅, a, ∅) ∈ ρ_N`. :param dict afw: input AFW. :return: *(dict)* representing a NFA. """ nfa = { 'alphabet': afw['alphabet'].copy(), 'initial_states': {(afw['initial_state'],)}, 'states': {(afw['initial_state'],)}, 'accepting_states': set(), 'transitions': dict() } # State of the NFA are composed by the union of more states of the AFW boundary = deepcopy(nfa['states']) possible_assignments = set( itertools.product([True, False], repeat=len(afw['states']))) while boundary: state = boundary.pop() # The state is accepting only if composed exclusively of final states if set(state).issubset(afw['accepting_states']): nfa['accepting_states'].add(state) for action in nfa['alphabet']: boolean_formula = 'True' # join the boolean formulas of the single states given the action for s in state: if (s, action) not in afw['transitions']: boolean_formula += ' and False' else: boolean_formula += \ ' and (' + \ afw['transitions'][s, action] + \ ')' for assignment in possible_assignments: mapping = dict(zip(afw['states'], assignment)) # If the formula is satisfied if eval(boolean_formula, mapping): # add the transition to the resulting NFA evaluation = \ tuple(k for k in mapping if mapping[k] is True) if evaluation not in nfa['states']: nfa['states'].add(evaluation) boundary.add(evaluation) nfa['transitions'].setdefault( (state, action), set()).add(evaluation) return nfa
[docs]def formula_dual(input_formula: str) -> str: """ Returns the dual of the input formula. The dual operation on formulas in :math:`B^+(X)` is defined as: the dual :math:`\overline{θ}` of a formula :math:`θ` is obtained from θ by switching :math:`∧` and :math:`∨`, and by switching :math:`true` and :math:`false`. :param str input_formula: original string. :return: *(str)*, dual of input formula. """ conversion_dictionary = { 'and': 'or', 'or': 'and', 'True': 'False', 'False': 'True' } return re.sub( '|'.join(re.escape(key) for key in conversion_dictionary.keys()), lambda k: conversion_dictionary[], input_formula)
[docs]def afw_complementation(afw: dict) -> dict: """ Returns a AFW reading the complemented language read by input AFW. Let :math:`A = (Σ, S, s^0 , ρ, F )`. Define :math:`Ā = (Σ, S, s^0 , \overline{ρ}, S − F )`, where :math:`\overline{ρ}(s, a) = \overline{ρ(s, a)}` for all :math:`s ∈ S` and :math:`a ∈ Σ`. That is, :math:`\overline{ρ}` is the dualized transition function. It can be shown that :math:`L( Ā) = Σ^∗ − L(A)`. The input afw need to be completed i.e. each non existing transition must be added pointing to False. :param dict afw: input AFW. :return: *(dict)* representing a AFW. """ completed_input = afw_completion(deepcopy(afw)) complemented_afw = { 'alphabet': completed_input['alphabet'], 'states': completed_input['states'], 'initial_state': completed_input['initial_state'], 'accepting_states': completed_input['states'].difference(afw['accepting_states']), 'transitions': dict() } for transition in completed_input['transitions']: complemented_afw['transitions'][transition] = \ formula_dual(completed_input['transitions'][transition]) return complemented_afw
def __replace_all(repls: dict, input: str) -> str: """ Replaces from the string **input** all the occurrence of the keys element of the dictionary **repls** with their relative value. :param dict repls: dictionary containing the mapping between the values to be changed and their appropriate substitution; :param str input: original string. :return: *(str)*, string with the appropriate values replaced. """ return re.sub('|'.join(re.escape(key) for key in repls.keys()), lambda k: repls[], input) # SIDE EFFECTS
[docs]def rename_afw_states(afw: dict, suffix: str): """ Side effect on input! Renames all the states of the AFW adding a **suffix**. It is an utility function used during testing to avoid automata to have states with names in common. Avoid suffix that can lead to special name like "as", "and",... :param dict afw: input AFW. :param str suffix: string to be added at beginning of each state name. """ conversion_dict = {} new_states = set() new_accepting = set() for state in afw['states']: conversion_dict[state] = '' + suffix + state new_states.add('' + suffix + state) if state in afw['accepting_states']: new_accepting.add('' + suffix + state) afw['states'] = new_states afw['initial_state'] = '' + suffix + afw['initial_state'] afw['accepting_states'] = new_accepting new_transitions = {} for transition in afw['transitions']: new_transition = __replace_all(conversion_dict, transition[0]) new_transitions[new_transition, transition[1]] = \ __replace_all(conversion_dict, afw['transitions'][transition]) afw['transitions'] = new_transitions
[docs]def afw_union(afw_1: dict, afw_2: dict) -> dict: """ Returns a AFW that reads the union of the languages read by input AFWs. Let :math:`A_1 = (Σ, S_1 , s^0_1, ρ_1 , F_1 )` and :math:`A_2 = (Σ, S_2 , s^0_2, ρ_2 , F_2 )` be alternating automata accepting the languages :math:`L( A_1)` and :math:`L(A_2)`. Then, :math:`B_∪ = (Σ, S_1 ∪ S_2 ∪ {root}, ρ_∪ , root , F_1 ∪ F_2 )` with :math:`ρ_∪ = ρ_1 ∪ ρ_2 ∪ [(root, a): ρ(s^0_1 , a) ∨ ρ(s^0_2 , a)]` accepts :math:`L(A_1) ∪ L(A_2)`. Pay attention to avoid having the AFWs with state names in common, in case use :mod:`PySimpleAutomata.AFW.rename_afw_states` function. :param dict afw_1: first input AFW; :param dict afw_2: second input AFW;. :return: *(dict)* representing the united AFW. """ # make sure new root state is unique initial_state = 'root' i = 0 while initial_state in afw_1['states'] or initial_state in afw_2['states']: initial_state = 'root' + str(i) i += 1 union = { 'alphabet': afw_1['alphabet'].union(afw_2['alphabet']), 'states': afw_1['states'].union(afw_2['states']).union({initial_state}), 'initial_state': initial_state, 'accepting_states': afw_1['accepting_states'].union(afw_2['accepting_states']), 'transitions': deepcopy(afw_1['transitions']) } # add also afw_2 transitions union['transitions'].update(afw_2['transitions']) # if just one initial state is accepting, so the new one is if afw_1['initial_state'] in afw_1['accepting_states'] \ or afw_2['initial_state'] in afw_2['accepting_states']: union['accepting_states'].add(union['initial_state']) # copy all transitions of initial states and eventually their conjunction # into the new initial state for action in union['alphabet']: if (afw_1['initial_state'], action) in afw_1['transitions']: union['transitions'][initial_state, action] = \ '(' + \ afw_1['transitions'][afw_1['initial_state'], action] + \ ')' if (afw_2['initial_state'], action) in afw_2['transitions']: union['transitions'][initial_state, action] += \ ' or (' + \ afw_2['transitions'][afw_2['initial_state'], action] + \ ')' elif (afw_2['initial_state'], action) in afw_2['transitions']: union['transitions'][initial_state, action] = \ '(' + \ afw_2['transitions'][afw_2['initial_state'], action] + \ ')' return union
[docs]def afw_intersection(afw_1: dict, afw_2: dict) -> dict: """ Returns a AFW that reads the intersection of the languages read by input AFWs. Let :math:`A_1 = (Σ, S_1 , s^0_1, ρ_1 , F_1 )` and :math:`A_2 = (Σ, S_2 , s^0_2, ρ_2 , F_2 )` be alternating automata accepting the languages :math:`L( A_1)` and :math:`L(A_2)`. Then, :math:`B_∩ = (Σ, S_1 ∪ S_2 ∪ {root}, root, ρ_∩ , F_1 ∪ F_2 )` with :math:`ρ_∩ = ρ_1 ∪ ρ_2 ∪ [(root, a): ρ(s^0_1 , a) ∧ ρ(s^0_2 , a)]` accepts :math:`L(A_1) ∩ L(A_2)`. :param dict afw_1: first input AFW; :param dict afw_2: second input AFW. :return: *(dict)* representing a AFW. """ # make sure new root state is unique initial_state = 'root' i = 0 while initial_state in afw_1['states'] or initial_state in afw_2['states']: initial_state = 'root' + str(i) i += 1 intersection = { 'alphabet': afw_1['alphabet'].union(afw_2['alphabet']), 'states': afw_1['states'].union(afw_2['states']).union({initial_state}), 'initial_state': initial_state, 'accepting_states': afw_1['accepting_states'].union(afw_2['accepting_states']), 'transitions': deepcopy(afw_1['transitions']) } # add also afw_2 transitions intersection['transitions'].update(afw_2['transitions']) # if both initial states are accepting, so the new one is if afw_1['initial_state'] in afw_1['accepting_states'] \ and afw_2['initial_state'] in afw_2['accepting_states']: intersection['accepting_states'].add( intersection['initial_state']) # New initial state transitions will be the conjunction of # precedent inital states ones for action in intersection['alphabet']: if (afw_1['initial_state'], action) in afw_1['transitions']: intersection['transitions'][initial_state, action] = \ '(' + \ afw_1['transitions'][afw_1['initial_state'], action] + \ ')' if (afw_2['initial_state'], action) in afw_2['transitions']: intersection['transitions'][initial_state, action] += \ ' and (' + \ afw_2['transitions'][afw_2['initial_state'], action] + \ ')' else: intersection['transitions'][ initial_state, action] += ' and False' elif (afw_2['initial_state'], action) in afw_2['transitions']: intersection['transitions'][initial_state, action] = \ 'False and (' + \ afw_2['transitions'][afw_2['initial_state'], action] + \ ')' return intersection
[docs]def afw_nonemptiness_check(afw: dict) -> bool: """ Checks if the input AFW reads any language other than the empty one, returning True/False. The afw is translated into a nfa and then its nonemptiness is checked. :param dict afw: input AFW. :return: *(bool)*, True if input afw is nonempty, False otherwise. """ nfa = afw_to_nfa_conversion(afw) return NFA.nfa_nonemptiness_check(nfa)
[docs]def afw_nonuniversality_check(afw: dict) -> bool: """ Checks if the language read by the input AFW is different from Σ∗, returning True/False. The afw is translated into a nfa and then its nonuniversality is checked. :param dict afw: input AFW. :return: *(bool)*, True if input afw is nonuniversal, False otherwise. """ nfa = afw_to_nfa_conversion(afw) return NFA.nfa_nonuniversality_check(nfa)